🌅 Mix and manufacture

The books are printed, praise God!

It’s a beautiful thing seeing an idea become tangible. I kept watching that video over and over amazed at the quality and care the manufacturing team put into making these books. They’re now on their long journey from Shenzhen, China to Dallas, TX and ultimately to your bookshelf. What a ride!

It almost didn’t happen this way.

Have you ever thought what would happen if one decision or circumstance in your life turned out differently? If you’d chosen a different path, or a different path had chosen you? This summer I strongly considered what it would look like to take Good Night, God to a publisher, and I honestly didn’t know if this version of the book would be published, and had even less confidence in the timing.

And the way it turned out, I’m so thankful for the chance to share this work in this way this November. It’s a work of art that I’m proud of, and honored to share with my wife and sons in daily prayer.

In the mixing process.

The songs are now well into the mixing process with Jordan Combs, and I think Paul and I will have a chance to do a sit-down sesh with him in south Dallas to finalize in the next few weeks. I’m giddy thinking of the music and book paired together. I really think families will be blessed by it!


🌅 First 10 books, mastering, & Spotify canvases for Advent, podcast updates!


📖 First batch of Good Night, God books ordered!