🌅 First 10 books, mastering, & Spotify canvases for Advent, podcast updates!

The first 10 books are in-hand!

And I’m so happy with how Good Night, God has turned out. The matte finish is smooth, the images are crisp, the text is vivid. I’m really pleased with this supplier and I think it’s a good improvement on The King is Coming. These first books I’m planning to use to update the photos on the website, send to potential distribution partners, and maybe do some Instagram giveaways. Any other ideas?

I’m waiting until the bulk shipment gets closer to announce an official launch date, but I’m still anticipating mid-November.

Mixing & mastering

Music mixing is almost done, thanks to Jordan Combs! From there we’ll be sending the tunes to Chris Bethea for the final layer of polish. He’s worked on projects for Paul Demer, Sleeping at Last, and Penny & Sparrow, all of whom I admire. Excited!

New Spotify canvases for The King is Coming!

As we get closer to Advent, I thought it would be fun to revamp the Spotify page for Beginner’s Apprenticeship with new canvases! Spotify canvases are little 8 second videos that loop behind the music, so I thought it would be fitting to make each song have a visual inspired by the page in the book. I know we’ve been talking a lot about Good Night God, but I gotta say it pairs well with The King is Coming. Available on Spotify now!

Note: Spotify canvases are only available on Spotify mobile.

Oh, and we’re making a podcast!

To better equip families to engage with Beginner’s Apprenticeship family liturgies (now that there are two, that’s so cool to say), we’ll be releasing a short-run podcast simultaneously with the book and music. Guests will include children’s spiritual directors, children’s ministers, and Ignatian spirituality experts. We’ve already recorded a “behind the scenes” for the music with one of the Good Night God songwriting groups:

Nothing else to share related to this yet, but keep all this in mind in November as something to share with the book/music/podcast launch!

How can you help?

  • Stay tuned for promotional materials and opportunities to share the project (check out and follow our Instagram), we’ll be launching a mini-podcast in November to talk through these resources!

  • Share this newsletter with a friend.

  • If you know of any Churches, programs, or youth ministries that may be interested in this project, would you be able to connect me?

  • If you know any podcasts or editorials that may be interested in a conversation about BA, would you be able to connect me?

In fact, you could even send them my calendar to schedule a meeting.


🌅 Updated website, Advent MP3’s, waiting on books


🌅 Mix and manufacture