🌅 Updated website, Advent MP3’s, waiting on books

Updated website!

I’ve updated the Beginner’s Apprenticeship website! I migrated most of these emails to the new blog and about pages to help with searchability online. As a newsletter subscriber you’ll still be the first to know, so thanks for following along with me!

Advent MP3’s available on the BA store

This is great if you’re like us and want a way to listen to the songs offline. We use downloaded songs with the kids’ Yoto player so it doesn’t have to be connected to bluetooth and such. It’s also great for grandmas who don’t have internet but still want to listen… (hey Nonna).


45 days didn’t sound that long when I was ordering the books for Good Night God. It’s been 37 days, so we’re still technically in that window! Currently the books are working their way through customs. I’m so eager to get the shipment so I can ship out all the pre-orders! In the meantime I’m holding off on an official release date until I have a better idea when things will get here.


🚀 Good Night God Launching November 8


🌅 First 10 books, mastering, & Spotify canvases for Advent, podcast updates!