The King is Coming!

Daily Prayer Songs for Advent

Sing through daily prayer with songs for every page in The King is Coming. Align the hearts of your family to the season of Advent with short, memorable songs (antiphons) and prayers.

Available wherever you listen to music.
Search for “Beginner’s Apprenticeship”

About the Songs

  • Taize-style, meant to be sung meditatively and repetitively

  • Antiphons, meant to be a single facet or chorus of a larger theological truth

  • Designed for all ages - simple while maintaining substance

  • Designed to be tolerable for parents :)

  • Achievable songs by any level musician

Based on
The King is Coming! A Daily Prayer Storybook for Advent

What if we took the best of my morning prayer experience and combined it with the songs we were singing and stories we were reading at night? What if we made a durable, singable, board book, family liturgy? 

The King is Coming! A Daily Prayer Storybook for Advent
  • It’s up to you!

    We’ve used the resources in a few different ways based on our capacity at the moment.

    1. We can just listen to the music and learn the songs. This is a great option when sitting down to read doesn’t feel possible.

    2. We can listen to the songs and pray/read at the same time.

    3. (Recommended) We can sing, pray, and read together with just the book.

    Singing enables kids to take the prayers with them through their day. And to make the songs and prayer time even more accessible, families can sing the songs one time through instead of repeatedly like on the album.

    Since children are particularly susceptible to distraction by screens, we encourage families to keep phones / recorded music separate from the daily prayer experience and rely more on memory when possible.

Album Credits


Producer: Parker Smith
Recording Engineer: Ross Fishburn (Equipped Worship)
Mixing Engineer: Jared Fox
Mastering Engineer: Jared Fox


Words: Parker Smith
Music: Parker Smith and David Belt
Vocals: David Belt (David Belt Music), Christina Jelinek (Leaven + Liturgies)
Choir: Anna Cutchen, Rebecca Miller, Rachel Bundy
Backup Vocals: Brady Smith, Parker Smith, Eleanor Belt
Spoken: Harry Friedman, Emma and Amelia Green, Hart Smith
Guitar: David Belt
Violin: Rachel Bundy
Keys: Jay+ Wright
Glockenspiel: Parker Smith
Bass & Percussion: Ross Fishburn

Many thanks to our supporters on Kickstarter:

Master Patrons

Mark and Laura Smith
Evan Smith (DJ Evon)
The Hamletts
Truitt and Michelle Matthews
Nolan and Rhett Flora
The Kolzows


Deby Bennett
Harrison Sawyer
Graham & Bethany Jones
Cheri Hudspith
Jenny S.
Leaven + Liturgies
The Klicics
The Rigneys
The Carters
The Smithams

Andrew & Kristyn Fultz
Abraham Bratrud
Word & Wonder Creative
Paul and Trisha Demer
The Ridenours
Jennifer G.
+Philip Jones
The Connellys
The Albins
The Nicholaous
The Van Opstals

Matt Hudspith
Josh M.
Bernie M.