Good Night, God available now!

Help spread the word!

You can use these links to access and share the books, music, and podcast.

  1. Book: Good Night, God: A Family Liturgy for Bedtime Examen

  2. Music: Access the music via Spotify and Apple Music (and everywhere else)

  3. Podcast: Access the podcast for Spotify or (free!) (and it’s still initiating on other platforms, but any day now for you Apple Podcast folks). The first episode is with none other than David Belt!

  4. Instagram: @beginnersapprenticeship consider sharing, tagging, and re-posting!

Featured in Bridgetown’s family newsletter

Last week Good Night, God was featured in Bridgetown Church’s monthly family ministry newsletter. If you’ve known me for a time, you have probably heard me mention John Mark Comer, Tyler Staton, or Practicing the Way. Starting in COVID, in addition to the formative work in my local context, their teaching and vision has been so formative for me as I’ve sought to more wholly integrate spiritual practices into my life of apprenticeship to Jesus.

And as I’ve gotten to know Joy Schlichter, Bridgetown’s kids and family pastor, I’ve been so encouraged by her spirit of generosity and support of Beginner’s Apprenticeship. I’m honored to have a chance to give back to them in this simple way.

(Podcast guest teaser? Perhaps!)


There’s a couple at church that I make sure to visit whenever it’s their Sunday for prayer ministry. Their prayers just get through, you know what I mean?

I asked them to pray for the release of this resource, that God would make of it what he will, and that I would be satisfied with the effort I’ve put in (which is tough for me, there’s always a hundred more things I can do!)

So they prayed and I felt that sense of peace. Then they shared a visual that came to mind of a river and a dam, with Christ in vibrant glory controlling the flow of waters. And it came with the affirmation that the Lord is releasing the floodwaters, just maybe not as a flood. In other words, this work is important. God delights in it. And also, it may or may not look like the success of a NYT bestseller. And I think I’m okay with that.

I’m reminded of a conversation I had with my mother-in-law where she curiously wondered who might encounter these books in generations to come. Who would be reminded of God’s faithful, strong love because of some dusty book in an old memento box? Or because of some lullaby passed down from mother to child?

We’re praying for that next generation—to be raised and saturated in prayer, hoping for a renewal of faith, and doing our best to be faithful to our small part of “Your kingdom come, Your will be done.” Would you join us in that prayer?


🚀 Good Night God Launching November 8