🤲 Sharing TKIC at 2022 Art House Dallas Visual Showcase

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been invited to present Beginner’s Apprenticeship at the Art House Dallas Visual Showcase! I have the honor of sharing the creative process for The King is Coming alongside several other amazing artists and I’d love to see you there!

It will be a high-density “Pecha Kucha” presentation, meaning I have exactly 5 minutes to present, with 20 slides at 15 second intervals. I’ll be jumping into the creative process for both the book and the music project, as well as providing a first look at some upcoming projects!

If you haven’t heard of Art House Dallas, it’s an organization that “works to cultivate creativity for the common good.” I initially got connected several years ago through their Songwriter Feedback program and I’ve met a lot of awesome creative-types through the group. If you’re a writer, visual artist, or musician, I highly recommend you get connected!


Thanks to everyone who came out for the Art House Dallas Visual Showcase! There were some really amazing artists represented over a variety of mediums, and it was such a unique opportunity to hear the context behind their work.

It was also the perfect environment to share more of the creative process behind “The King is Coming!” which you can watch here!

The style of event had back-to-back presentations with only 7 seconds in between, so they saved all the applause until the end (if you’re wondering why it ended on an awkward silence, ha!)



🅱️ The Big Red Button(s)


âś… Advent music kickstarter funded!