👶 My son is here!
My son is here!
Last week my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. The joy and turmoil of bringing another life into the world is truly a profound experience, partnering with God in the Imago Dei. Naming, nurturing, nuzzling.
For both of my sons, especially in their early days, I can’t help but savor the stories in Luke 1 & 2, and reflect on the divinity and humanity of Jesus our Savior, God with us, and the fulfillment of long-anticipated arrival.
And I’m grateful to be retelling that greatest story again this coming Advent, in this simplest of ways, in those unglamorous sleepy moments with my children. May they be formed even now at their young age into the likeness of Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. May these small works contribute to God’s Greatest Work of making all things new, beautiful, and true. Let it be so!